Way to Go Tacloban
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Book Cheap Flights from Houston to Tacloban

Search, find, and save money and time on all cheap flights from Houston to Tacloban with iEagle flight booking agency! In fact, we have the best deals guaranteed on all cheap flights from USA to Philippinesand not just the Houston-Tacloban route. Check through all our IAH to TAC flight deals and find the cheapest flight tickets for your Tacloban trip! You can also book unbelievably cheap last minute flights to Tacloban or any other city in case you need to travel to the Philippines in an emergency. Enjoy instant discounts and a quick call response when booking cheap flights to Tacloban from Houston with us. Book now and save!

Reasons to Book Houston to Tacloban Flights

A lively city, Tacloban is an important gateway into the stunning Eastern Visayas region of the Philippines. Steeped in rich history, the city is home to fabulous ancient monuments as well as modern attractions. Thereby, there are innumerable reasons to book IAH to Tacloban flights for a trip. For a clearer picture of what to expect on a visit to this fascinating city, take a quick look at some significant reasons to visit Tacloban listed below.

  • Historical Spots: Sto. Nino Shrine and Heritage Museum, Madonna of Japan, and MacArthur Landing Memorial National Park are some of the many amazing historical spots to visit in Tacloban.
  • Natural Attractions: Although a modern city, Tacloban is also a nature lover’s paradise. Some of its top natural attractions include Tulaan Falls, Sohoton Natural Bridge National Park, and Paruparong Bukid Nature Conservation Center among others.
  • Vibrant Festivals: Tacloban plays host to lively festivals that offer visitors a peek into its culture, history, and traditions. Sangyaw and Pintados are two such popular festivals to be a part of.
  • Delicious Food: Trying some of the famous local dishes is a must for foodies visiting Tacloban. Expect to grab a bite of some quirky but delicious dishes here.
  • Burgos Street: Among the liveliest parts of Tacloban, Burgos Street is lined with scores of shops, tea houses, bars, coffee shops, restaurants, and hip places to party all night long. Also, there are some affordable guesthouses to stay as well.

Benefits of Booking IAH to Tacloban Flights With iEagle

We have scores of people regularly booking not just Houston to Tacloban flights but also flights from other US cities to different cities in the Philippines. Our lowest fares are indicated on the website via Eagle Deal tags. Also, we offer Reward Points to those who book cheap flights to Tacloban from Houston and other US-Philippines flight routes with us on a regular basis. There are several other deals that enable you to save such as our Alternate Date Deals, Secret Deals, and Nearby Airport Options among others.

One of the biggest advantages of booking flights for your Philippines trip with iEagle is that you can book business class flights at massive discounts. You will pay less and travel more when you book air travel with iEagle. Also, you will have a vast airline choice to book cheap flights from Houston to Tacloban with. Some of the top airlines you can fly with include Philippine Airlines, Singapore Airlines, American Airlines and more. Hurry, compare fares and book today!

FAQs for booking flights from Houston to Tacloban

1. How long does a flight from Houston to Tacloban take?

The minimum time taken in a flight to Tacloban from Houston is around 30 hours. The average time depends upon the number of stops and total layover time. So, check the itinerary details on our search result page while booking the flight.